Cheat mode:
Press ~ during game play to display the console option:
Result - Code:
Car center debug screen - showsomedebug
Win Race - pass
Set lag - setstepsize (number)
167 minutes of extra time - gimmesometime
Movement camera with W, S, A, D or mouse - freecam
Debug screen - gamedebugstuff
Edit camera position with (Keypad) - carcamedit
Lose race - fail or failedurmission
Level skip - nexturmission
Put car on four wheels - teleport
Save camera settings - savecarcam
Show nodes grid - shownodes
Show sound grid - showsounds
Unknown - carcamsetattached
Unknown - carcamsetviewcar
Unknown - carcamsetlerp
Unknown - cameraeditor
Unknown - god
Unknown - minigun
Unknown - cannon
Unknown - introcameditor
Unknown - reigninblood
Unknown - urairecord
Unknown - showrespawns
Unknown - flaresave
Unknown - lensflare
Unknown - jump